IAAF the first international sports federation to launch anti-doping app

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IAAF the first international sports federation to launch anti-doping app


Monaco – The IAAF has launched a web app telling athletes what they need to know about all aspects of the IAAF’s anti-doping programme.

The IAAF is the first international sports federation to launch a standalone app with detailed anti-doping information.

It is free to access and as a web app it is available on desktop computers, smart phones and tablets.

It can be accessed at: iaaf.org/Antidoping

The information available includes:

– What to expect from a test (whether urine or blood)

– What their rights are

– All about the prohibited list and anti-doping rule violations

– Whereabouts

– Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs)

 How to report suspicions or instances of doping

– An all-new quiz to put their knowledge to the test

The launch of the app has been deliberately scheduled to coincide with the IAAF World Junior Championships, Oregon 2014, which are being held in Eugene from 22-27 July.

Supporting educational material is being distributed at the championships to educate the new generation of the sport’s stars about anti-doping issues.


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